
EDUL 6013 Theories of Educational Administration: The readings in this class presented insights into conflict, communication, motivation, and formal authority. In combination with 6014, this class allowed me to think about the various leadership styles and their impact upon motivation, conflict and communication.

EDUL 6013 Shared Governance: This class presented various theories of leadership and pointed out the distinction between leading and managing. The required text, Empowering Teachers, provided valuable information regarding the characteristics of effective principals from the perspective of their followers. There was a good balance between theory and practice. The culminating activity allowed me to assess myself as a leader and develop a plan for growth.

Edul 6015 Total Quality Management: This class presented various theories of TQM. The readings take you through the process from beginning to end using examples from various corporations that have utilized TQM. Application to the educational environment are provided. TQM is a form of organization development. In order to be effective, all members at each level of the organization must buy in to the concept. TQM is a systems approach to OD that recognizes the interdependence of all levels of an organization in achieving the goal of product improvement(education) and customer satisfaction(students).

EDUL 6016 School Personnel Selection and Evaluation: This class presented information about the selection of school personnel from the application process to the selection process. Various types of interview methods were discussed, as well as factors that cause bias, and legal issue. I spent time thinking about the questins I would ask a teacher applicant and the kind of interview I would conduct.

Edul 6017 School Staff Development: This class provided me with a new framework for looking at staff development. Rather than a one-shot approach, staff development should be embeeded into the school culture. It is an on-going process that addresses the needs of the sysem, school, group, and individual. All levels of the organization should be included in the development and assessment. The goal is to become a learning community which consistently evaluates and addresses the needs of the community in order to produce motivated teachers and educated students.

EDUL 6019 Techniques for Teacher Evaluation: The purpose of teacher evaluation is to provide information that leads to improved instruction. There are several methods for observation, and the selection should depend upon what kind of information is being sought. Formative evaluation, which is more descriptive than summative evaluation, is preferred for the purpose of supporting teachers and their improvement. The clinical cycle for observations was presented, along with the appropriate communication skills necessary to provde feedback.