JetNet Airport Network


Although there are several hundred airport bars where E-MEDIA can place signs, our initial installations have been major sports theme bars. We have installed signs in all Home Turf Sports Bars, which is an NFL theme venue. The sign is part of the center-piece of the facility. The sign is located on top of a giant light box which appears to be a 12 foot wide 5 foot high scoreboard. An 8 foot wide LED display sign gives the "scoreboard" some real scores as well as other entertaining information. Home Turf locations provide more than 13 million quality impression per year for each electronic message and for each category of electronic sponsorship. See Demographics for locations, annual traffic, and impressions.

The second airport venue we have selected is the FOX Sky Box Sports Bar and Grill. This venue is designed to have the look and feel of the FOX Sports TV show. LED message board are located around the walls in spans up to 48 feet long. A sponsor logo is displayed every 12 feet at a minimum. This insures that the sponsor will be readily visible during all information updates. There are no light boxes associated with this fixture at this time. All advertisements are electronic messages. FOX Sky Box Bars provide more than 3 million quality impression per year for each electronic message and for each category of electronic sponsorship. See Demographics for locations, annual traffic, and impressions.